Sunday, June 12, 2011

Strength in Dance

I have been dancing for a long time. Over a decade. I love it, but I am so use to it that I needed a change. Okay I am working on floor work with my instructor, take classes else wear including workshops which are definitely keeping me educated and informed, but once my body gets use to things I just stay at a plateau. I need more of a challenge and something that will fit into my schedule. I am not really a workout kind of girl, rather than hiking and taking my son on walks in a BOB stroller up hills of course. 

I originally went to this fitness studio because they had Zumba (I have 40 lbs. to go with my weight loss and I know some local dancers that have lost weight by doing this) and then I seen the room with poles. Oh man… My eyes were like O_O he he… Well, I am going to take pole dancing too. I really hope it helps with my arms and abs, which I think are the weakest part of my body. Yeah I can do bellyrolls but I don’t think my abs are as strong as a pole dancer. Hoping it might even help with my belly dancing like ballet did. 

People might think I am joking because I am plus size. But, you know when I was twenty and started taking dance I never expected to even get far or even paid for it because of my size and age. No matter if I lose the weight I will always be considered plus size. It was just a hobby that I took up to keep active. Yet, I am not going to be famous. I still do my thing. Maybe in ten years (even though I will be in my 40s) I will be crawling up that pole. =)