Friday, June 17, 2011


This isn’t a weight loss blog, for starters. I would never admit to having an eating disorder unless I was diagnosed. I have a problem. I do not think I am fat, the reason why I don’t like to eat is to avoid being fat. That is one reason. Another is it is a way I cope with things. I began this “not eating” journey when I was in 8th grade. I was going through a very hard time in my life and this was my way of dealing with my situation. I thought I would stop. Five years later I haven’t given up this bad habit. Not many people quite understand my problem. I have only met one other person that understands this obsession because she went through a similar situation. I like to put it like this, when everything else in the world is crazy and out of your hands, your weight is the one thing you can control. I went through a deep depression and that is when I started eating less. I have dealt with it on and off for the past five years.

I don’t tell people about this problem of mine. My friends don’t know. My family doesn’t know. Nobody knows that I have kept it up for this long. This blog will be my dirty little secret.

Wrist: 6in