Friday, June 17, 2011

out for a light run ?(?????)?

Last Week: 162

This Week: 161.4

Weight Lost This Week: 0.6 lbs.

Total Weight Loss to Date: 27.1 lbs.

Good enough. As long as the downward trend continues, even if its incremental, I’m happy. And now, I’m logging off and hitting the road. Running post mortem to come soon!

PSA of the day- Everyone should read this article. Everyone. It explains in plainer language what I spend all day trying to communicate to patients about how sugar & food affect your body. Excerpts: 

What Sugar Actually Does to Your Brain & Body

Glucose is a simple sugar that your body likes. Your cells use it as a primary source of energy, so when you consume glucose, it’s actually helpful

…On top of that, fructose consumption negatively changes the way your brain recognizes your consumption. This is because your brain resists leptin, the protein that’s vital for regulating energy intake and expenditure (which includes your keeping your appetite in check and your metabolism working efficiently). As a result, you keep eating without necessarily realizing you’re full. For example, a soda containing high amounts of fructose (which is most non-diet sodas) will do little to make you think you’re full even though you’re taking in large amounts of calories…

 processing low-fat food makes it taste like crap. Companies understand this, and so they add a bunch of sugar (and often salt) to fix that problem. This process essentially exchanges fat your body can actually use for fructose-produced fat that it cannot…

 Burning off a fast food meal would require exercising for most of your day.

If you want to learn more about how to eat sugar healthily, click on through! 


Honey nut cornflakes (178)


Fruit salad: 1 banana, 5 strawberries, 5 raspberries and approx 25g dried mango (209)


2 stuffed peppers stuffed with: prawns, cherry tomato, cucumber and a little feta cheese. (306)

Exercise: Slow pace 2.0mph walk for half an hour (-83)

Current net calories = 610

I managed to stay strong this morning. I still have money in my bank account and I fought my crazed...

By tomorrow I will be back on track. If I gain this week, so what. I can safely say I never want to feel like this again.

I am writing these three days off as evil, evil days that I will remember when I want to eat something crap. Because nothing good comes from it. Only guilt and weight gain.

And tomorrow I will:

  • Walk the dog for at least an hour
  • Re-start the 30 day shred
  • Go to the gym
  • Eat healthily

*really been looking for an excuse to use this gif

Warm shrimp salad!

I used my goat cheese buttermilk salad dressing and the spicy grilled shrimp from last night to make a really yummy tangy *protein filled* salad!

174 calories, 6 carbs, 4 fat, 28 protein!

Recipe here:

I Will Get There

I’ve got that old familiar feeling, you guys.  It’s called delayed onset muscle soreness.  I had it yesterday too but I wanted to talk about it today since by now it is actively frustrating me. 

Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is what happens after you exercise harder, or with more weight, or generally do something your body isn’t used to.  Here’s some science about building muscle.  First off, skeletal muscle is basically like a braided rope.  The rope is made of smaller twisted fibers, right?  Muscles are made up of groups of muscle fibers held together by connective tissue.

When you exert your muscles with strenuous activity you are actually injuring yourself, causing microscopic tears in the muscle fiber, this is called “microtrauma.”  If you’ve ever heard that broken bones grow back stronger than before, it’s similar to that.  The body repairs the muscle fiber and increases its mass to make the fibers more resilient to damage.  It takes a few days for the body to repair the muscle, though, and during that time you’re probably going to be experiencing some amount of DOMS.

Eccentric movements are chronic offenders when it comes to having particularly heinous DOMS.  Sumo squats and I, we have a long history of DOMS together.  Squats are the perfect example of an eccentric movement; for example the quad lengthens as you squat but it also has to contract to support the weight of the bar and allow you to squat slowly instead of collapsing into the ground. 

There’s no real way of treating DOMS other than letting your body do its business.  The best way of preventing DOMS is by gradually introducing new movements and adding weight slowly. 

If you’re experiencing DOMS after a tough workout, don’t let it discourage you!  It’s not an injury that will keep you from training, it’s not your body falling apart.  It’s your body getting stronger.  But you need to allow yourself to rest.  If you train hard like I do and get horrible DOMS, active recovery with cross training (swimming, walking, yoga) and ice baths can help.  Take your prefered NSAID like aleve or tylenol AFTER exercise, not before, drink a lot of water, and get plenty of sleep.

When you feel better, get right back to work.

So I just stated a simple little diet this past week starting on june1st and guess how much I’ve lost. 4 FREAKING POUNDS!! I currently weigh 171.4. last week I weighed 175.4. This is pretty insane to me right now, You don’t even know. Funny thing is I ate out last night for my moms birthday, I had vegetable chow mein. I ate more vegies than chow mein but still. I had 5 glasses of water at dinner so that probably helped too. So I bet you’re wondering “what kind of diet are you on??” Its super simple. all I did this week that was different was not eat grains and starches. which means bread, rice, noodles… lol, oats, cereal and other things like that. pretty much all I ate was fruits and vegetables for the most part. I can’t have meat so I used a protein drink for the majority of my filler calories to meet my daily requirement of 1800 calories a day. That just proves that you don’t have to starve yourself to get the results you want. Just make healthier choises and you’re good to go. guess how much I worked out also? The whole week I burned about 500 calories on the treadmill. I seriously barely worked out. #good week

out for a light run ?(?????)?