Saturday, June 18, 2011

Any Christian weight-losers out there?

i need advice. i am starting the giovanni diet tomorrow, and i will stick with it. encouragement please?

fresh start today. no more snacking. no more bad foods. back to eating good & walking. i need to stop using my surgery as an excuse to not do anything. all i’ve been doing the past 3 weeks is snacking and sleeping. well, working too. so i’m excited for this month. i haven’t weighed myself in a week or two & like i said, i’m going to try to go this entire month without weighing myself. it’s probably not going to happen, but i’m going to try!

i’m about to get ready to go for a walk right now. not sure about jumping right into 3 miles, but i’m going to take it one lap at a time!! wish me luck!!!

Flat Tummy

Rich in digestion supporting ingredients, this smoothie will help prevent bloating and digestive stress that can sabotage your tummy flattening efforts.

  • 3/4 c. papaya
  • 3/4c. sliced peaches
  • 1/2 pear, sliced
  • 1 tsp fresh ginger
  • 2 mint leaves
  • Water to thin

Skin Saver

Antioxidants in berries are known to help to fight wrinkles and other skin ageing signs.  Berries are also a great way to control blood sugar that can sabotage your complexion.  This smoothie also contains Omega 3, to fight inflammation, as well as vitamins E and C, both renown to help the skin.

  • 3/4 c blueberries
  • 3/4 c pitted cherries
  • 5   strawberries
  • 1/4 avocado, peeled and pitted
  • 2 tsp wheat germ (optional)
  • 2 tsp ground flax seed
  • Water, to thin

Peanut Butter Energy Booster

This protein-rich and minerals-filled smoothie will give you long-lasting energy.  Cinnamon will help to control your blood sugar so your energy level won’t crash too quickly.

  • 1 big banana
  • 1 scoop of natural hemp protein powder
  • 2 tsp of natural peanut butter
  • 1 handful of fresh baby spinach
  • 1/2 tsp of cinnamon
  • Water, to thin

Bone Lover

This vitamin-rich green smoothie contains calcium, magnesium and other bone building minerals to keep your bone strong and healthy.

  • 2 bananas
  • 1 handful of chard leaves
  • 1 handful of kale leaves
  • 1 tsp of green matcha powder
  • 1/2 cup of homemade almond milk

Immune System Booster

Rich in vitamin A, C and zinc, this smoothie can increase the production of white blood cells and antibodies to get your body ready to resist this season’s infections.

  • 1/2 c. mango cubes
  • 1/2 c. cantaloupe cubes
  • 1/2 c. fresh pineapple cubes
  • 1/4 c. chopped pumpkin seeds
  • Water, to thin

Natural Skin Tanner

Studies have proven that a beta-carotene rich diet can make your complexion glow, and that particular skin tone is usually considered healthier than a regular skin tan. This smoothie can help you get that healthy glow without risking your skin lying under the sun.

  • 1/2 cup of cantaloupe cubes
  • 1/2 cup of papaya
  • Juice of 1 orange
  • 1/2 cup of carrot juice (or water)
  • 1 small knob of fresh ginger

Antioxidant Power

Feel the power of this detox foods-rich smoothie.  Very rich in antioxidants, this smoothie will help to support your liver to detox naturally and help your body stay healthy and young longer.

  • 1/3 cup of blueberries
  • 1/3 cup of raspberries
  • 1/3 cup of pomegranate kernels
  • 1/4 cup of beet juice (optional)
  • 1 banana
  • Water to thin

I’ve never done this before, or if I have I’ve never actually held myself accountable at the end of the month…so here goes. Small goals for now :)

  • Lose 2-3 Kg- If I can get to 66kg by July (2kg loss), I’ll be happy. This one is a must.
  • Go to the gym 4+ times a week- I’m really, really hoping I’ll be able to afford a membership, if I can’t, I’ll change this goal.
  • Eat as clean as possible, all day, every day- This one will be so hard. I have such a huge problem with binge eating. But I’ll go a day at a time.
  • See my psychiatrist every week- No backing out or giving up.
  • Only weigh or measure on Fridays- No sneakiness, it only dissapoints me when I do it too often.

Tomorrow was bad, today will be better. I won’t wait until July to start again. Let’s go :)

Can you imagine? I have 100% control over what I eat. That kid has what? maybe 15%? that’s being generous. 

I’m blessed that my parents raised me at a normal weight. Child obesity is running rampant. I want to have this healthier lifestyle so that when I have children, I can teach it to them.

How about you?

If you’d like to join the weightloss challenge starting today, send an inbox so I can make you a group member and we can all do this together.


i need a good workout and im out of options to do at home.

That calculates the amount of calories I burn?

I’m super excited to try it out!! I have everything hooked up, and although I don’t have a lot of time to log activity for the day, it’s already working pretty well.

If you missed my last post, the fitbit is a 3-dimensional pedometer that tracks steps taken, distance travelled, calories burned, and then sends the information to a website that analyzes it for you. Check out if you want to learn more!

Anyhoo, just thought I’d share. It’s tinier than I expected, but I hope it works! I have it clipped to my bra right now 8) Take a look!

I’d like to follow!