Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A visit to the Tailor

Ever since I took up running and paid attention to what I eat, the weight have been dropping off like stones. I was about 83kg before I took up running. Now I weight at 66Kg, a total loss of 17 Kgs! I took up running without the intention to lose weight. It was more to prove myself that I can do at least a half Marathon distance run. And after the half Marathon distance, the goal moved to a full Marathon distance. And along the way, the weight just keeps on dropping. I am very mindful not to lose too much weight, especially muscle mass. Hence, next goal is more visits to the gym. One side effects of losing so much weight is then need to update almost whole of my wardrobe recently. Last weekend, I cleaned up those that meant to be donated away, and paid a visit to the Tailor to see if I can salvage at least some of my favourites pants, jeans and shirts. I brought with me about 6 pants, couple of shorts and a shirt. The following conversations took place during my visit to the Tailor