Saturday, June 18, 2011


Alright well today was a bit ridiculous. I had to get up to work at 6:30 and be at work at 8. So I thought I was only gonna have to work until 4pm BUTTTTT I was clearly wrong. I had originally planned to get home around 5pm and do Legs and Back X on P90X but I ended up working until 10pm. 
SO, here’s my calorie intake today. Didn’t eat a whole lot. And I imagine I burned quite a bit working today. (I work at an amusement park)

Fiber One Bar = 150 cal
Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich = 350 (I wasn’t sure)
Granola Thin = 80
Green Tea (Sobe) = 240
Nope. I got home too late. I don’t eat past 8pm. 

Total Calories: 820
Will someone tell me if this is okay? I just feel so guilty for not doing a workout today. :/ 

I would call this a successful before and after picture. The picture on the left was me last summer, obviously not too cute. The picture on the right is of me now. I’ve lost nearly 40 pounds and still going strong (kind of). I’m so happy and look SO different. It’s lovely!

So my eating was fine today. I actually hit 100g of protein and was at about 1000 calories, leaving 100-200 for some almonds after work.

But when I got to work, my boss asked me if I liked sweet things or coffee. I answered honestly and said to both. She then asked if I ate Tim Hortons or Cold Stone and I said that I hadn’t in years, I just drink Tim Hortons coffee.

So here’s what she had me eat: timbits, brownie bits, a glazed cinnamon bun, and sample every ice cream flavor plus tons of combinations so I could tell customers about them. She made me an ice cream for the job well done as well.

I feel awful right now. My head hurts, my stomach hurts, I feel like a little kid who went overboard on Halloween.

I mean, I feel stupid and like this is just a white girl problems post. OH NO, I HAD TO EAT FOOD.

But I guess I hope that this will make my shifts easier. Every time I reach for a doughnut, I’ll think about how shitty I feel now.

I think I’ll rest tomorrow or go to yoga, depending on what time I wake up. Either way, I need to chill the fuck out. I have a super healthy day planned for tomorrow to try to make up for this. Hint: it involved 100g of protein.

i was craving a Good Humor icecream sandwich . i really was .
instead , i settled for an apple . cut & cored it since my braces get in the way .
its lasting longer , is more filling , & sure as hell healthier :]
one healthier choice is better than none at all . 

I’m taking drastic steps in my diet. 

  • I’m cutting out meat. No pork, beef, or chicken. But I’ll still eat seafood. If anything, I’ll replace missing protein with tofu and fish.
  • I’m not eating out at all. I’m on a strict diet of homemade goods only.
  • Strictly tea and water, and at massive amounts.
  • The only grain products I’ll consume are oatmeal or whole wheat bread, and it’s only once a day.
  • Typically fruits and steamed vegetables.
  • To curve my sweet tooth, occasional yogurt.

It sounds healthy, I’m not starving myself at all.  I’m receiving the nutrients I need. As long as I continue with the daily workouts and stay hydrated, it sounds like a good diet to stick to.  I know I’ll have cravings for junk foods sometimes, but I think I can last until November without it if not longer.  You don’t need it, but merely want it.  In the end, I’ll benefit from this.

Some Diabetes Diet Tips:

You do need sugar in your system, even as a diabetic; however you want to be sure it is not excessive. Look for foods that help in the production or processing of the insulin hormone. It should help well enough.You need a regulation of sugar intake in your diabetes diet. Don’t take the raw types, but the type that is cleverly embedded in your food so that the glucose can get into your blood. That should be safe enough. I do suggest that you pick up the proteins, though.You need to get creative, Friend. Diabetes implies that you may not…

Fits with the things I’ve said in previous posts.

To run when your on your period… It Takes Will, Passion, and Pain. I dont care what you throw...

I weighed myself and I am 94.5lbs :).

I am getting closer to the bones I want.

Food:1540 calories


It was a “try out all the cardio machines you’ve never used!” which proved to be pretty flippin’ unpleasant.

10 Minutes Elliptical

10 Minutes Rowing (thought it was good for arms. OMG quads!)

10 Minutes Bike (the kind they use for Spinning. Uh, didn’t know there were gears and adjustable heights. Much better after I fixed that, but not great)

10 Minutes “Cardio Wave” (lol wtf? I felt ridiculous, but it was the most intense part of it all)

5 Minutes “climby/running” thing. I couldn’t do more than that. It was the rotten cherry on top of a shit sundae at that point.

15 Minutes Elliptical

Total: 60 minutes, (and I’m counting the Cardio Wave and Climby Thing as ‘hiking carrying less than 10 lbs on SparkPeople, fyi), estimated caloric burn of: 980.

Oh, and to show that if you really exercise, you don’t walk out of the gym looking as much like a barbie as when you got there (I’m looking at you, Sorostitutes):

(dude, I thought I looked pretty decent for having done an hour, but now that I’ve had a shower, I’d say this looks like I got pretty wrecked. Ew! LOL)
