Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 2 outcome

  • Soy milk, strawberries, bananas, and almonds for smoothies
  • Special K protein drinks for after running
  • Yogurts
  • Total Raisin Bran
  • Fat free cottage cheese with pineapple
  • Arnold Palmer iced tea/lemonade
  • Weight Watchers ice cream bars
  • Chicken breast
  • Mio water flavor
  • Fiber One bars

I don’t remember what else I got but I’m sure there were a few other things. I tried to get things that said light, fat free, or something of that sort. I’ve got some ham and cheese for sandwiches. I also got a couple Lean Cuisines and a frozen pizza in case I don’t feel like actually making something, but I always have a couple of those things around.

This week I plan on-

  • Running on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday- I’ll probably stay on week one of C25K the whole time and move on next week.
  • Starting to learn some portion control- measuring out portions and then making note of what a cup of this or two tablespoons of that actually looks like so eventually I won’t have to measure things.
  • Yoga a few times if I feel like I need it- 15-minute Gaiam DVD.
  • If I can find batteries for my Wii Balance Board, I’ll be weighing in with that sometime this week and probably doing the fit tests on there.

As much as I hate seeing any kind of weight gain, whether it’s 1/2 a pound or 5 pounds, I always remember that I’ve lost a total of 46 pounds so far. That’s 46 pounds of hard work and determination. So what if I’ve slipped up and gained a few pounds? If I can lose 10 times that much, then I can do anything. I may not be skinny yet, but I know I look a hell of a lot better than I did at 190.

So today I decided that when I reach my weight loss goal in the middle of September, I’m going to reward myself by buying tickets to Coachella, Bonnaroo AND Austin City Limits 2012! (maybe even Lollapalooza if the lineup is absolutely unreal!) That will be the perfect end of school and weight loss reward to myself.

Watching the Bonnaroo coverage is making me want to cry. I should be there right now! Such a great lineup. Well, better start saving my money now. This is going to be one expensive reward!

Well - as I thought - not such a great week.

336.8lbs - down only 1lb from the previous week.

Making sure I push myself harder this week.

1031 calories burned walking 2.53 miles in 50:00 minutes.

Hello, Hello!

So, it’s been a while. My sister got married yesterday and so life at my house has been a blur! Not in a bad way, just been pretty busy getting bossed around and… hah just kidding. Well, not really. ;)

It’s been about a month since the semester has ended and I have made a couple of changes in my life ( or at least in the process). I guess I should start with a story of what happened to me a few weeks ago.

For the past couple of summers, my parents get a gym membership to utilize the pool and to keep my brother busy. The funny thing is, is we never got these memberships to build a healthier lifestyle really… just something to keep my brother off the video games and out into the sun. Well anyway, about two weeks ago, I strapped on my “workout clothes” and made my way to the gym to reactivated my membership. After so, I went to the locker room towards the scale. Now, this is hard for me to confess this, but I figured if I talk to other people (or just type out my feelings) it might help me gain a boost of some motivation. Anywho, well the scale read a whopping 233 lbs. Now… people that know me find that number hard to believe because it’s hidden behind my height, but noticable or not… that is still very unhealthy. Well, I was furious for some reason. I mean, somehow I knew it in the back of my mind all along, but for some reason my mind went into this weird racing frenzy. I don’t even know how I got up the stairs to the workout equipment… it was like my body and soul  were separated and my mind had made the decision that all of this had to end… or eventually… I would be the one to end. Now, that sounds drastic… but it’s the truth. So, it’s been two weeks since the “work in progress” transformation and so far I have lost 9 lbs.

 This is probably nothing to many people, but to me… it’s everything. This is just the beginning and… sure… there will be mistakes, but people make mistakes… even the skinny people ;) The only person who can fix this is myself. 

There is more to this story, but I just feel myself rambling all over the place. So, to be short and sweet… I have decided to transform this blog into one that records my struggles and successes with fitness, health, and weight loss.

Anyone else who is struggling with this as well, I greatly respect you. Many people don’t realize how hard it is for people with these issues. They don’t understand that it’s not just the pounds weighting you down. So don’t listen to the clueless judgement around you and let’s do this together! And if your not struggling with this but know someone struggling with obesity and weight loss, just know you could be a strong advocate in changing their life. Well anyway, whoever is listening (if anyone is) I thank you for reading this. Hope you stop by again! 

here goes nothing :)

cw: 66.1kg / 145lbs

i am only 100g away from going under 66kg. it would be GREAT if i could just hit the 65s next week cos i’ve been fluctuating between 66 - 67kg over the past 3 weeks!

in any case, i’ve realized i shouldn’t beat myself up over not being able to exercise the past 3 days. my body needed a break, so i shouldn’t feel bad :] plus!! when i quit my job (4th july!!) i’ll be able to spend everyday in the gym making full use of my membership. hehe. i’m so excited for that. :)

hope you guys had a good weekend too? :)

Forever thunder thighs? I’ve kind of come to love em’ through the running and lifting. Definitely got a long way to go though on toning them. 

I’ll update my stats and everything tomorrow morning. I’m exhausted and I have work early tomorrow.

On the bright side, I’m really proud of myself for burning off my breakfast and lunch. :) now I can just burn my dinner off in my sleep plus a little extra. :)

Night everyone!