Thursday, June 16, 2011

It's amazing when clothing fits properly instead of being sausaged into things!

and DAMN. does that hurt your ass. I need to stretch >:/ I’ll probably take a walk tonight, or go to the YMCA or something. Hoo-rah! I can’t wait until I get down to 200 ibs. I’m going to piss myself when I do :)

Misconception: This creamy spread is an indulgence best enjoyed occasionally because it’s high in fat and calories.

Why it’s good for you:At least five major studies confirm that eating peanuts can lower risk for coronary heart disease. So it’s no leap to think that peanut butter confers the same benefits. “Suffice it to say that eating peanut butter or peanuts has been associated with lower total cholesterol, lower ldl or ‘bad’ cholesterol, and lower triglycerides, all of which are associated with lower cardiovascular disease risk,” says Richard Mattes, Ph.D., R.D., a professor of nutrition at Purdue University.

My scale is european, i was exactly 52.0 kilos which is 114.6 pounds and my BMI is now 18.5!!!

Words fail to express my joy


1 caramel snack a jack cracker (51)


Weight Watchers Lemon and chicken risotto (331)


2 fried eggs on bread with half an avocado and 2 teaspoons of peanut butter (665)


1 spoon of Branston Pickle with 1 small apple and a small amount of cheddar cheese (145)

Total approx: 1192 calories.

My dinner today wasn’t very healthy and I have food regret now! I am going to try and do an aerobics work out later but I have so much work to do I am not sure I will have the time :({2}~[5|35]

I’ve just ordered those in a size 6 to wear to the festival I’m going to at the end of July. I’m currently a size 10, so thats a month and two weeks to drop 2 dress sizes…

Now whenever I go to eat or think about not bothering with my exercise for the day, I’ll remember that;

a - I want to be skinny

b - I don’t want to waste my money on shorts I can’t fit into

c - I want to look hot at the festival and pull loads of hot guys and have an amazing time. 

My goal dress…. I want to wear this dress for my 25th birthday…. I have about 2 months

So, yesterday was my cheat day. I had posted that I was going to use my weigh-in yesterday morning as my weigh-in instead of today…well, I decided to do both but, I’m super bummed.

6/11/11 Weigh In: 268.2

6/12/11 Weigh In: 271.5

…Fml. I’m REALLY hoping it’s either my weight fluctuating or muscle or something. I’ve decided to go with the average, 269. I figure that’s a “fair” way to do it and try to not beat myself up about it. So:

Total Loss: 26 lbs

Total Loss this week: 1lb

:) My goal for next week is 3lbs. I know I can do it. I have to do it. Next week goal is: 266 lbs.

Break the fast right? I’ve been sleeping for the past 6-8 hours, sometimes only 4, oftentimes more like 10.  Either way, when I wake up, I’m ravenous.  I never understood people that don’t eat breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day!

According to research, skipping meals, especially breakfast, can actually make weight control more difficult. Breakfast skippers tend to eat more food than usual at the next meal or nibble on high-calorie snacks to stave off hunger. Several studies suggest that people tend to accumulate more body fat when they eat fewer, larger meals than when they eat the same number of calories in smaller, more frequent meals.

I love breakfast food. Bacon, eggs, toast, waffles, pancakes, cereal, fruit.  I could eat every meal and have it be of the breakfast variety and not even be mad about it. In the words of Jade, I’m sorry I’m not sorry. You know what I like even more than breakfast food? Going out to eat breakfast food. Breakfast and brunch especially with buffets are my downfall.  There’s nothing like going to a place that will make an omelette right in front of me, exactly the way I want it. But since I don’t do that often, and will probably be doing it less, I had to make some changes at home. 

Thankfully, I live with my sister (Molly, amazinglyenough) who fancies herself the next Ina Garten (Barefoot Contessa). We try to eat a good breakfast balanced with protein, a little fat, carbohydrates and a ton of fruit as often as possible. On the weekends, I eat like a queen. During the week, I usually have a Jimmy Dean Delight breakfast sandwich (Points Plus = 7) and a banana. Generally, I’m eating in my car on the way to work, that’s me time, but I’m still eating it, and I encourage you to too!

For a long time I liked to kid myself into buying the sizes I felt comfortable purchasing. The thought of buying a Large bottom in shorts, bathing suits, skirts, etc scared me. I thought that if I’m so short and not that overweight I must fit into something smaller. I was so wrong.

All of my medium clothing used to “fit” me but I would have to pair it with exactly the right top/cover up so you wouldn’t be able to tell just how tight and improperly it fit me! Now all of those items fit me correctly and it is a world of a difference!

I just tried on some bathing suits for an upcoming trip and while I don’t love my body in a bathing suit (yet) I sure feel better in my suits than I used to. The bottoms no longer cut into my stomach and butt, they just rest on my skin the way they were intended to. The tops don’t fight a battle to keep my boobs up with the limited fabric provided, now my boobs actually fit into the tops I’ve purchased and I am comfortable and look better.

Moral of this run on sentence is none most of my clothing are not too big on me yet, I’m not going down a size, things aren’t falling off of me, but everything fits, everything I own now looks like it was made for me and not like I borrowed it from my niece and that is an amazing feeling :)