Thursday, June 16, 2011

I have green tea every night. Actually, I pretty much have tea...

I thought there was no downside to the HCG diet - other than my dwindling social life. (No brunch gorging! No lunch gorging! No dinner gorging! No alcohol binging!) But alas, I just found one: increased sensitivity to PAIN.

I have no clue why this is, but let me tell you: I just came back from my monthly laser hair removal appointment* and literally came out shaking. I was yelping throughout the entire procedure, and my eyes welled up with tears several times. They had to give me an ice pack and a stress ball, y’all.

It’s been an hour and I still have a huge knot in my chest from the anxiety. Holy SHIT, that hurt. I mean, it probably didn’t help that I chose to laser a few “particularly sensitive” areas. But I’ve done this MANY times before and NEVER experienced pain like this. Well… lesson learned. No laser until after the HCG has cycled out of my system.

*Laser hair removal is my vice. It’s kind of addictive. If I could afford to laser myself from the eyebrows down, I’d do it…

Oh my goodness, those .4 lbs to go until I hit my 1st GW is going to cause the death of me. Looking forward to my weigh-in Friday(: Could it be possible for me to get out of the 190s by then?? Ahh! I’m so excited xD

let me know how I can support you! Maybe a text once in a while or you need an ear, just tell me!

Sooooooooo yeah, its the middle of June and I haven’t even broken 175 yet………………………………………………………………………………………


I seriously need to get back on track. I was doing really well, but its almost compulsive how I feel like I HAVE to eat as soon as I get home from being anywhere. Its frustrating. When I eat I just look at the food like, “why are you in front of me, why don’t you taste as good as I thought you would, and why am I still eating?”

I’ve been feeling really weak and overwhelmed. I’m never going to reach my goals at this point =s

[Flash 10 is required to watch video.]

Trying my hand at video blogging because sometimes it’s easier to talk than type! :)

Starting Weight: 195

Last Week: 193

This Week: 193

Difference: 0 lbs.

Total Difference: -2 lbs.

Ugh, not sure why I haven’t lost any weight this week, I know I might not lose a lot of weight doing 30 Day Shred but I’ve been eating much better so I figured that might do something. Hmmmm, I don’t know.

They don’t wobble when I flick ‘em :D

I have worked so hard-nothing will take my eyes off the prize. Popcorn slathered in fake butter at the movies? No thanks, I’ve got a healthier alternative. Soda? Nope, I’ll take water. The world is beautiful, the sun is shining, and I deserve to enjoy it. I deserve to enjoy it how I want to-healthy, happy and confident. 

I have green tea every night. Actually, I pretty much have tea at least once everyday, but sometimes it’s like I can’t sleep if I don’t have green tea before I go to bed. My boyfriend said I’ve conditioned myself this way.

It started out near the end of my freshman year in uni. I’ve mentioned this many times before, and to put it bluntly - I gained a lot of weight. I hit the Freshman Fifteen, you could say. I read somewhere that green tea burns fat and boosts metabolism blahblahblah, so like any girl going through the tortures of weight loss, I wanted to try any (healthy) way to shed the pounds faster. Haha! So I tried it. Did I feel the effects? Not really sure, but I liked thinking the warm tea in my tummy was melting all the fats. HAHAHA!

I’ve lost the weight since then (took about half a year) but now it’s like my night is not complete if I don’t have green tea and my body won’t allow me to sleep!