Friday, June 17, 2011

359 calories today.

So last night I decided to start back up on my weight loss journey. I’ve been on and off for about year now. I want to get to my goal before fall, so I started up this morning by running. I love running, it lets my mind breathe and relax. I also enjoy the sights as I’m running, it keeps me motivated. I’d rather run outside and go a certain distance, rather than running on a treadmill. I don’t feel as motivated because you’re inside and you are looking at the same things over and over. Anyway, I already got that out of the way. Did some cleaning, and now I’m about to get ready to go pick up my check. They’ve been cutting hours lately. It sucks, I need to save my money though, gonna go see Decoder this weekend. So I’m looking forward to that. I have to also run to either Target or Wal-Mart and pick up a few things.

Some days I feel fine. Like I’m not fat, but I’m not skinny and none of that matters. I look good in what I’m wearing and that makes me feel ok. Other days I feel obese. And I’m sad, and unconfident, and quiet. And I wish i didn’t have to go outside at all.

I’m just hoping that one day I get to feel happy with my self EVERY DAY.

—Taylor, 193lbs

so stupid, ive got to stop having days like this, so pasta and heavily cream covered chicken for breakfast and pizza and regular coke for lunch(wasnt even hungry) so pathetic! maybe i just need a day like this and tomorrow ill be on track again? God i hope so! gonna try hard!

f*cking only having veggie soup for dinner, so ill have 100 cals later on and that is f*cking all for the rest of today as ive done terrible!

The first one that i did a few weeks ago took me 55 minutes to complete. The one that i did today took me 51 minutes. yay for minutes faster :D I took 2 major walk breaks one after my first mile (which i did in 13 minutes PR!!) and the second one between 3 & 4 kilometers. Hopefully the next one i do will be under 50 minutes with much less walking. I am super proud of that first mile! I haven’t run a mile close to that since elementary school gym class :D I am going to rest tomorrow but i at least want to record some sort of mileage everyday this week. is so motivating! Does anybody know when/how you are supposed to eat before/after a workout if you are trying to lose weight? i’m curious. have a great day!

I had been a sinner today because I ate mozzarella sticks with a tasty spicy sauce. (.____.) But it’s okay once in a while. (even though I feel bad writing it down)

Normal workout today: running  + butt, thigh, ab & chest exercises

It’s the first day I’ve managed to actually drink 2 l of water. yay~

I’m getting better.

Lately the weight loss thoughts keep my mind occupied the whole day.

It’s somehow annoying. Of course I want to get fit and healthy and loose weight.. but I don’t want it to be the mainpart of my everday life.

another tip:

Dance around in your room.

Fill your playlist with your favourite  dance songs. Lock your room and dance.

Try new moves even it looks stupid at first. ^^

Do it just for fun and for yourself. No one needs to know but you’ll burn some calories and get rid off your fat while you have fun.

When people say “well one day of eating junk food won’t kill you”. And sort of roll their eyes.

Seriously. I just want to say to them, “You don’t know what I’m going through. You don’t know how much I hate my body every day when I look in the mirror, or put on clothes that don’t fit right. You don’t understand how I feel when I see skinny, beautiful girls and know that it could be me, if I didn’t give in to cravings all the time. Saying that ‘one day won’t kill me’ is encouraging me to binge, disappoint myself, hate myself, feel fat for the rest of the week and just in general give in and let myself down. It’s a cruel thing to say, it really is. No matter what intentions you had.”

So I decided on my Ultimate goal weight, 100 lbs. Its the perfect #- Im 5’6 btw.

So in 3 months Im gonna need to lose 60 lbs- that means 200-400 calories daily, tons of water and green tea, lots of exercise- and then when I reach my goal-

For once in my life, Ill know how it feels to be one of the skinny girls.

To be a pretty girl.

To be perfect.

Well, today i ate LOTS. Even more, then yesterday… A total of 1800-1900 calories… All because of the stupid dessert I had…

  • Breakfast: organic strawberry yogurt
  • Lunch: wrap with grilled chicken and salad (like my favorite thing EVER) + small cappuccino (whole milk)
  • Snack: fruit smoothie (300 cals)
  • Snack: stupid chocolate mousse (620 cals)
  • Post workout snack: glass of skim milk

If that makes any difference I, as always, drank as much green tea and water as I could, walked a lot in heat and also ran 2.5 miles

My Stats:

well, lets see how much i can tell without embarrassing myself :P :P

HW: 178

LW: 128

CW: 143 (yay exam weight! :-/ )

GW1: 140

GW2: 135

GW3: 130

UGW: 125

I figure if i do this challenge every day after my morning work outs, then i’ll be obligated to at  leasts hit the gym once a day :) 

359 calories today.

skipped lunch.

skipped breakfast.

ate dinner.

drank plenty of water, and ran for 10 minutes.

-80 calories.

279 calories.