Wednesday, June 15, 2011

dear followers, please read.

heard this awful story in a speech we watched in health today.

this girl had a boyfriend that told her that her butt was too big. time went on, you know the tale, she became bulimic. well, her parents put her in treatment, against her will. she was not compliant, and was kicked out. her therapists told her to come back when she wanted to get better. it never happened - she drove out to the river, poured gasoline over herself, and lit herself on fire.

dear followers: i’m not telling you stop being bulimic/anorexic right now. but i’m asking you to think. please, please never let yourself become this way. i want you to know that i will care, and it will directly affect me if you ever ever even try to do something like that to yourself.

i know. i’ve felt that way too and yes, i’ve attempted suicide (epic fail, but that’s another story that you can ask to hear by leaving me a message in my ask box). in any case, help is possible. now is the time to figure out if you are willing to change when the time comes. 

you may have to wait. but please, never wait so long that you do anything like that to yourself.