Saturday, June 18, 2011

WIW 1 June 2011

I finally broke down and purchased a scale. I want to be accurate instead of being afraid.

forgetting that I had already packed a peanut butter and honey sandwich for lunch.

Peanut butter overload. I am peanut butter-ed out.

Also all I want now is a savory treat. I am not awesome at planning out my meals, apparently. 

Tonight is my first night doing farltek training run….which I need to research because I still am not 100% on what it is! Actually, running has been getting easier every single time. It’s so freaking hard to get back started once I’ve stopped running, but, like you all told me, after a week or two, it slowly becomes fun again. Which is awesome because I super love running (for the way it makes my legs look, of course, but also for the whole zen-stress-reliever thing too :)

Starting Weight: 322lb.

Overall Goal Weight: 200lb.

Monthly Goal: Lose 10lb. by 11:59pm June 30th.

The Post Holiday Weekend Edition