Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Progress :D

I’ve been staying at my dad’s house recently, and since he doesn’t have any scales I have just been trying to see improvement in the mirror. But weighed myself this morning at my mum’s and the scales said… 52kg! Yay! I don’t have a particular goal weight (especially since muscle weighs more than fat anyway) but it is nice to see results after being really strict with food. I’ve been taking pics but didn’t really see much of a difference. Oh well :)

Unfortunately, yesterday wasn’t the best day in terms of food but oh well.

Breakfast: Tea, porridge w/ dried fruit mixed in

Snack: 2 slices Ryvita w/ light cream cheese, slices of tomato and basil, handful of red grapes, green tea

Lunch: Was out shopping and got a seafood platter! (2 oysters, 2 prawns, crab meat, 4 mussles on a bed of lettuce (no dressing, just lemon)

Snack: Still shopping, got a small skinny cappuccino and low fat blackberry muffin (oops. low fat but definitely not low cal)

Dinner: Steamed green beans, sweet corn, carrots. Cos lettuce, fresh baby spinach leaves, chicken breast

Dessert: Mum’s homemade quince/grape and custard chocolate tart (I couldn’t say no :P ), large piece… (no idea how many cal, probably at least 300)

Exercise: nil :S still have sore knees, waiting till they settle before restarting c25k

Total… ? Was about 1000 before dessert. Maybe 1300-1400?