Saturday, June 11, 2011


Okay, today wasn’t a good day for me. My Mum bought some new scales because the ones we had were old anyway. I stepped on them and …. pretty much the same reading as the old scales. Meaning the scales at my Dad’s house haven’t been completely honest with me and I am quite a bit heavier then I thought I was.

I felt like crying, 5 days ago I thought I was at 174lbs, turns out I’m at about 180lb, that is about half a stone that has just been given back to me. It’s a bit of a slap in the face. So that’s another 6lbs to lose… I guess it explains why I haven’t noticed a difference in my body, I haven’t lost the stone I thought I had. It feels like I have to lose all that weight again, but really I didn’t lose it in the first place.

I’m angry at myself and I don’t know why, because it is not my fault, just a mistake with the different scales.

I will weigh myself tomorrow morning and start from there.


I ate well today 1300 calories I think, all good foods, I have had 3.5 litres of water today and I have done lots of revision. ( I have completed day one of my Perfect Week, only 6 days to go)

I did the last day of Week 2 of C25K today and am quite scared for what Week 3 will be like. I also did the first day of level 2 of the 30 day shred today …. It was horrendous! I had to take quite a few breaks (not long ones) and I had to do the easy versions of them all. I don’t particularly want to do that again, but I’m going to have to, uhhh I know it will get easier but at the moment I can’t see that happening.

Tomorrow is my day off from the 30 day shred, and my C25K didn’t fall on Sunday this week so I have a rest day.