Sunday, June 12, 2011

No excuses. Play like the BIGGEST LOSER.

No excuses, play like a champion  The Biggest Loser.

My mom is overweight, and I’ve officially eaten myself to obesity with gaining the freshman fifteen twice in college.. So we usually jog .1 mile, power walk .1 mile, and switch off that way for usually 4 miles. We stop to do lunges and push ups every .5 miles. It’s embarrassing how quickly my heart rate jacks up to the 185 danger zone.. So we do what we can every day, put in at least an hour and a half.. Some days we walk more than we jog and some days we are surprised by how much we can jog. We are just hoping to get stronger every day..

But the last few days my mom and I had been slacking off with our jogs. Especially Friday… I just felt dizzy and like fainting every time I picked up my pace to a jog. So instead of our usual walk/jog routine, we decided to just walk 7.5 miles. It was miserable. I pushed myself so hard just to walk that distance.

Then I realized what the problem was… I wasn’t eating enough. Could you believe it!? I don’t think I was reaching the necessary minimum 1200 calories a day. And I definitely wasn’t getting the protein and whole grains I needed. A working body needs its nutrients! Today, I made sure to eat better, and we continued on with our routine.

We’re starting kickboxing soon! I can’t wait. I’m so excited. I have been watching The Biggest Loser these last few days (my first time watching the show!) and the new trainers they brought into the show are using boxing to train their team. It seems like exactly what I need. Because weight loss is 90% changing your mind. And boxing trains your mind to be a fighter. Granted, Tiger Schulmann’s kickboxing instructors aren’t going to scream at my face to toughen up and punch harder.. But I kept picturing The Biggest Loser’s trainers in my head as I jogged today….

How many!? Three. How many!? Two. How many?! One! This show made me realize that our bodies can do a LOT more than we believe. “I can’t” is just our fear. If we love ourselves, we need to give our bodies the treat of accomplishing amazing things. If those 300 pound people can get into that gym on their first day and be pushed that far, I can definitely work harder than I have been. No excuses, because the only thing excuses result in is holding us back from our health and happiness.