Monday, March 30, 2009

You Melt My Heart to Stone

I found myself singing "Melt My Heart to Stone" by Adele unaware at work today. I saw her live a while ago we she was in New York (she was a well kept secret then) and was amazed by how she sang that song with all her heart. You could tell she was singing the song from experience. It had me thinking: why do we do this to ourselves? Why are we so impatient to let someone in only to have them do what they want and leave without warning? It's like we prepare a wonderful feast just for them, invite them, only to have them behave how they want and leave without even a "thank you". What makes it even worst is after we get hurt we put a shield or a defense and make ourselves unreachable to the One God has chosen for us. I think it's because the first (or second or third) time we love, we love with all our hearts and we get burned. We become so guarded that the Right one has to go through some serious hurdles just to get our attention. I started thinking about this as my godmother was telling a tale about this female eagle that made a group of male eagles go through a series of tests. She told me the female eagle would pick up sticks and start to fly, she would be persued by male eagles interested in mating with her. When she gets to a certain height, she would drop the sticks and they would have to catch it. This would continue; she would fly higher and carry a heavier sticks each time. She would keep going as some of the male eagles would get tired and give up. Finally one male eagle would keep going; and she decides she will mate with him. Later they have offsprings. When its time to teach them to fly, the mom would push the offsprings out of the nest and if they don't fly the male has to catch them. She made him go through all that so would know he could handle the situation later. I thought that was the coolest story I ever heard. If we enter into courtship knowing what the person can handle before hand we won't have any surprises later.