Sunday, March 29, 2009

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

As a Children's Church teacher I have learned that children aren't like adults in many ways. They want to know: Who? What? When? How? and always Why? This was especially true last week in class. I was teaching them about Jesus Private Ministry (Baptism, 40 Day & Night Fast, His Temptation) and every 5 minutes I was asked questions that broke into a series of discussions. Mind you we teach 2-12 year olds but their minds were as sponges; eager to take in as much information as possible. The lesson was supposed to last 30 minutes tops; but with all the children shooting question after question, the lesson ran until service was done. I often tell myself that I want a mind like a child; where I believe in God's word and there's no room for doubt. Where I am so hungry to learn more and more about Him that I am constantly reading His word. I have this one child in class who reminds me of myself when I was younger. He came up to me and told me he was prayed for and anointed. He was so excited! He said he felt like he could do anything! Remember when we were like that? When we were so gung ho and on fire for Christ that we would do any and everything possible just to do something for the kingdom of God? When we quoted God's promises, believed it without a trace of doubt; if God said it then it was so? We are constantly at war with our minds between what can be so easily achieved with a "child-like faith". I think if we just take on the simple mind frame as a child and ask & answer those questions we will feel a lot better. Who: me. What: the situation at hand. When: right now. Why: It's just another way God can show me who He is in my life. How: He will solve any problem if I put my trust in Him. All it takes is faith as small as a mustard seed.