Monday, March 9, 2009

Give Me Your Eyes

Every time I get on the train and sit down, I have to close my eyes or read a book. If I don't, I find myself staring at the different people on the train with me. I often wonder what their stories are, where they came from, what they are going through. I always used to hear that there's always someone out there less fortunate than you. What if I was staring right at them? What if the person sitting next to me needed something to eat, money to get home, etc.? How would I know? Would I help? Sometimes I feel like I think too much, that I need to keep my mind occupied so that I won't stress myself out. There's a song I heard a couple of days ago on the radio called "Give Me Your Eyes" by Brandon Heath. It had me thinking: what if we saw what God saw? Would we show compassion and love? Would we reach out to to those who are lost? Or would we be comfortable in our blinded state? I think to be honest a lot of us including myself; sometimes would chose the latter. We want to help, but sometimes it feels like too much; like they're too many people out there in need and not enough time and/or money. But if each one of us helped one person in need think about the difference it would make?! If we adopted a "Pay it Forward" mentality and each person helped the next person and so on and so on; without expecting a thing, what kind of world would this be?