Monday, March 2, 2009

The Little Things

Today we're having a snowstorm. I wish I could be home under my covers instead of working. On my way walking to work I stopped at the corner and looked up for a second. As I looked up into the sky the whole city seemed to pause. The snow was coming down slowly; the sun looked like it was going to burst out the clouds, everything looked so amazing. I took a moment to look at the beauty in everything in spite of the concrete and metal everywhere; it felt like the Lord was doing that just for me. The way the snow danced in the air sometimes slowly and quickly and seemed to spin around me made me feel so special. It's amazing how we can go through life and not take time to pause and appreciate the little things. Like how beautiful everything looks in fall when the colors are changing, how a warm summer breeze can automatically make you close your eyes and smile, or how the spring rain can come and make everything look bright and new. Have you appreciated the little things lately? If so, have you thanked the Maker?