Saturday, March 7, 2009

Is It A Crime?

I often take the fact that I have a job for granted. I do admit it's not the most amazing job in the world (I am a receptionist at an Insurance company) but there are people that would cause bodily harm for a job. So with that being said, I count my blessings. Today was the open house for our new Women's Empowerment Ministry. Did I mention I chopped of my hair before I went? I have a haircut similar to Victoria Beckham just a little shorter. I have always liked my hair short; I actually have more confidence with it short believe it or not. I had to fight the urge to go shopping. I normally go shopping for key items whenever I change my hairstyles. I like to complete the "look" that I have going. Any who, by the time the meeting was done I was ready to go home and sleep. I don't remember a Saturday to myself; I am always somwhere or on my way there. I need "me weekend". I hope its coming soon.