Sunday, March 15, 2009

Closer to Myself

I stayed home this morning. I didn't do it by choice, my alarm on my phone was silent (I knew there was something I was supposed to do last night). I was so exhausted from all the drama from the previous week, that today became a day to just bask in God's goodness and stay under the covers, lol. My niece decided she wanted to hangout under the cover too, but she wanted to play today while auntie wanted to sleep the day away. Guess who won? After she finally got me up and was done playing, we ended up watching Hitch with Will Smith on TBS. I starting thinking about the concept of the movie. I know a couple of guys who need help in the speaking to their dream girl department. I started to think: "Am I putting myself in a place too far to reach? If so, does he need a lot of help reaching me?" I am at this place where waiting on God to do a new thing in me is draining. I am constantly at war with myself. I just want the process to be done with sometimes, but what would the point be if its done quickly? He is making us a vessel that can be used for His glory. And sometimes its a long process.