Friday, March 6, 2009

One Vacation Coming Up!

It's Friday. I am in serious need of a change, I am so bored with myself right now. I realized that I am letting my joy slowly slip away. I need to do something even if its just spinning around in circles so I can get rid of this constant deja vu feeling. Spring is around the corner and I am looking to maxi dresses, sandals, bangles and chandelier earrings. I think I will cut my hair. My hair is in the growing out stage where it's no longer a "cut" or a "style" its just trimmed now. Its driving me nuts! Its too short for one style and too long for the other so I am going to chop it off and deal with my cousin and mom fussing with me. I have to keep my hair at a decent length until the wedding. (We will see, lol). On another note, I really need a vacation. I would love to go to Martinique (I loved To Have and Have Not), and enjoy the sun and sand. I would love a week of thinking about nothing but God's goodness, the sun and when's the best time to go swimming. Who's with me?