Friday, March 20, 2009

It's The Little Things

Yesterday was one of my best friends birthday. Like the dork I am I texted him like I do with all my friends: at midnight to wish him a Happy Birthday. When I asked him what he wanted he told me that the fact that I remembered was enough. I practically fussed with him for over a half an hour telling him to pick something and he kept telling me the same thing. He reminded me that it's the little things that count. The fact that someone remembers and calls you to tell you "Happy Birthday" or even acknowledges it means more than anything. I remember for my birthday, I was so happy that people remembered, I was even more excited when I went to Carniege Hall to see an orchestra. It boils down to this: It's the small acts of love that shows how much you care; the things you don't do because you have to, but because you want to.