Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Location, Location, Location!

I love living in New York. Really I do; but when there are things like Blizzard (a Christian youth retreat) in Ohio, Erynn Mangum book signing in Texas, and Christian rock concerts everywhere but New York; I wonder sometimes if New York is the best city to be a young Christian? All these amazing Christian events I read about and love to be apart of are in other states that would require me to fly to get there (mind you, I am afraid of heights). The only event that is in New York is Kingdom Bound, and that's Upstate New York! Oh the humanity! I would love to see Salvador, Above the Golden State (sigh), Leeland (I LOVE THEM!) in concert but it would mean I would have to travel to see them......
Now that I have gotten that off my chest. I am so looking forward to Laura Jensen Walker's new book "Turning the Paige". Its the second book in the "Getaway Girls" series. I absolutely loved the first book "Daring Chloe", it was hilarious. I hope it gives you a follow up to Chloe because I am eager to know what happened to her. Anywho, I am such a dork. I called Barnes and Noble (I am a proud member)and had them order a copy for me (Christian Chick-Lit isn't carried much in bookstores) as soon as the book was released. I was on (The Godsend of discount book sites!) and found out that I ordered over 40 books from October 2007 and January 2009! That doesn't count the books I bought from Barnes and Noble. I knew something was up when my books and fashion magazines started to take over my room, lol. I won't complain, because when it comes down to it I wouldn't resell them. I love reading and rereading books. I like that these books entertain me and speak to my spirit (not to mention many of the characters are as crazy as me); so what more can a girl ask for? Well Starbucks, Mr.Darcy, and Haagen-Daz Dulce de Leche ice cream (lol).