Friday, March 27, 2009

Never Going Back to OK

I downloaded a new song last night by The Afters (LOVE THEM) after I had their song "Beautiful Love" play all day everyday. The song is called "Never Going Back to OK". All I can say is "Wow". The song is very catchy; it has an old school rock vibe to it that I love as well. What is so cool is the words, it makes you realize that the moment you accept Christ as your Savior; you change. You can't go back to being just "OK". Your whole world changes because you become a new person. Everything becomes amazing, new, spectacular. etc. because of that change. You don't just go through the motions, you start to press towards that mark in Jesus. Another song that comes to mind is "More Than Fine" by Switchfoot (Jon Foreman's voice is amazing). It's the same theme as well. You don't want to get by, to just make it: you want what's yours, your promise. You want the peace that only He can bring. And when you do; when you get a taste of what only Jesus can give you, you can never go back to just OK.