Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Watch What You Say/Do

On Sunday, one of the members of the church was testifying about being humble when one of my younger brothers in Christ tapped me and said: "That's what you always talk about; being humble." I never realize I have been talking about it so much. I know over the past year the Lord has been dealing with me and I have been sharing my experiences with the Youth in my church so that they know they are not alone in their struggle(s). We have to be careful what we say and do in front of the people who are looking at us for an example of Christ. We have this game we play on our youth nights when service is done; it is kind of like Charades except you have to guess who in the church the person is. It's so frightening when you realize how closely the Youth watch us. I realize that they have to see a difference in us everyday....