Thursday, March 12, 2009

Far From Average........

I am not trying to sound like those girls who put themselves up on a pedestal and think they can't be compared to anyone else. When I say I am far from average, I say it because I really feel that I am. I am closer to weird than anything; I have the morbid twisted obsession about weird deaths (its Wikipedia's fault), serial killers (their stories, mind frames, etc. intrigues me) and the fact that anything traditional or normal for some reason gives me the hives made me realize: something's up. I blame my mom. Lol, I really do. When I was 8 years old, my mom exposed me to my first love: Archeology. I was the only kid in my class eager to do social studies, I couldn't wait to go home and try to decode the hieroglyphics and read about other ancient civilizations.. I also fell in love with classical an opera music. This wouldn't have been so odd if all my peers weren't listening to Reggae and Soca music. I also wanted to be the White or Red ranger when we played Power Rangers because they had the coolest powers (I would fight the boys for those roles as normally won, lol). As I got older, I realized I saw things very differently than everyone else did. My friends and family are normally in awe of the things that go on in my head. One of the doctor's at the church calls on me a lot for what she calls MCNuggets (Its my intials and a short breakdown of a Bible verse) because she likes the way I interpret and break things down. I take it as a compliment, mainly because I admire her. I am learning to embrace that I am an odd ball for a reason, lol.