Saturday, March 28, 2009

Ashamed to Ask for Help?

I was at intercessory prayer today before it started and did my usual routine: prayed for myself so that I can be in a place to pray for others. I always look at it as this: how can you be effective for others if you're not effective to yourself? After I prayed, I opened my Bible and began to read James 5:13-20. I was amazed by it. I have read this book before but it seems like there is a new light to it today. It talks about prayer, but not just praying; it tells us that if we are in trouble, sick, in a bind, etc. we should go to the elders and be prayed for. Nowadays it seems that we want to deal with our troubles on our own. Why can't we ask for help? Why are we so ashamed of our present situations? It's like some of us would rather starve then tell our brother or sister we're hungry. We aren't perfect; we strive for it each day in CHRIST! We're human; and as humans we will fall constantly. What made this realization even more amazing was my Youth President spoke about showing compassion for your fellow brother and sister in Christ when they fall. He mentioned the story of the adulteress and Jesus when He said "If any one of you is without sin, let him be first to throw a stone..." We, the body of Christ seem to be the ones that show the least amount of compassion towards the sinner, backslider, and the fallen at times. But we need to remember, we were in their situation; we were lost, at a point where we felt we were too far from God. We need to be more like Christ so that when someone is struggling with something, they won't be too afraid to ask for help.