Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Romantic-Realist?

I am a total sap in regards to everyone but myself. I can't help but "awww" with everyone else when I see or hear the most adorable and romantic things couples do. But me, the buck stops there. I think I have been around too many guys and that has ruined my idea of romance. I like to call myself a Romantic-Realist. I know you might say that doesn't exist or that it sounds like an oxymoron but I really am one. I believe that romance and all the overly sappy stuff involved should only be expected in romance novels and romantic movies. Only on a rare exception (a very rare) should it be expected in real life, lol. I look at it like this: if you only expect it in fiction you won't be disappointed in real life. Don't you agree? If we really think about the average male and his idea of romance, you will find that nothing on it will match your list. Some men are different. For example, there some guys that actually pay attention to the little things, like hand holding and all the sickening other things, lol. But I have to be the odd ball. I am not a fan of romantic gestures; give me electronics instead of flowers (they last longer), if you want to get me jewelry give me anything but diamonds (they're so boring looking) and if you propose I rather it be when we are just hanging out (I am not a fan of grand, elaborate surprises). So that being said, it's not hard to see that I am not the most romantic person when it comes to real life. I swoon when I read and reread Jane Austen (but that is a totally different story, lol). You know I bet just to show His humor; God is going to pair me with a sweep you off your feet, stare at the stars at night while he's on the phone with you, text you whenever he's "thinking about you" Romantic type of guy. And he might work at me until he breaks me down and turn me into a bunch of mush..... God I hope not! Lol.