Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Twilight Craze

I have a confession to make.......I read all the Twilight books. I couldn't help it! You know the saying "curiosity killed the cat?" The cat is me! Lol. I was actually eager to know what had the attention of youths and adults alike. I remember when the Harry Potter craze started, I was working at the library at the time; I thought everyone on planet earth had gone mad! I haven't read that series and have no plans to. Any who, I read the books and I must say it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. One of my problems now is that I can't watch the movie. I already know what my idea of Edward looks like and (no offense) Robert Pattinson is definitely not him. I blame my overactive imagination. It's so crazy how there's such a strong following. I guess it's because people like fantasy more than reality. The way Stephenie Meyer (the author) writes; you feel like you are the main character Bella. My other problem now is I started reading the leaked draft Midnight Sun (it's the Twilight story from Edward's point of view) and she vowed she wouldn't finish it! I tell you I think I am in too deep. I remember when I borrowed the book from my friend I finished a book a day, it was so sad. Now that I am done, I will just have to avoid the commercials for the DVD, the trailers for the new movies and I will be fine. I am not interested in the movie really, it was the books; you know I love to read. SMH, keep the prayer there for me; I am going to need it!