Friday, March 13, 2009

I'm Not Going To Fake It

I don't understand why people want you to smile when you are clearly upset. It's bad enough I always have to smile when I am at work (lol). If I am upset, let me have my moment, and frown until I am over it. If it bothers you so much to look at me in that state, than say a prayer for me and look the other way. The funny thing is my smiles normally aren't random. When I was younger, I was painfully shy around people I didn't know. I rarely maintained or had any eye contact. As I got older, people always pointed out that I look so "serious". It was always because I was thinking about something. I have been trying to smile just because but it feels so weird. Very weird, lol. I will try to smile more now because I am conscious of it, maybe I might just get used to it. But I won't smile because you asked me to. I think I still have a little bit of a rebellious spirit left (keep the prayer there). If you ask me to do something just because (and there's not real reason behind it), there's a chance I won't do it. I'm just being honest. Another thing, I don't like being cheesy. I feel like being that way cuts you off from so many people. I like people who are real, honest and practices wisdom. The key word in that sentence is Wisdom. You can be honest or real with someone and hurt them or you can use wisdom and approach the person in a way they don't feel belittled ot threatened. Any who...... I am finally done ranting, be blessed.