Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I'm Angry, But I Won't Sin

It's amazing the feeling you have when you're angry. You automatically want to release it on something, someone. Its like shaking up a soda container and opening it. You know what's going to happen when you open it but you do it anyway. This week my supervisor is on vacation, He's a Godsend (but that's a different story). Anywho, he's on vacation so we are "supposed" to be running ourselves (you noticed how I said "supposed") until one of the mail clerks gets the idea he's in charge and he has been doing nothing but frustrating me all day! It was to point that I wanted to yell at him and ask if everything is performing properly up there in his brain. But luckily I have been rational enough to catch myself. I know if I lash out at him there's no way I would be able to reach him. As much as I don't want to show it right now I have to make sure God shines through EVERYTHING I do, and I do mean EVERYTHING! I also know there's nothing wrong with being upset but I shouldn't act on it. In the beginning part of Ephesians 4:26 it states "Be ye angry, and sin not". We have to remind ourselves that anger is an emotion, a feeling; its part of being human. But in the feeling we should not let it lead us into sin.