Thursday, June 2, 2011

I Should Be Doing Laundry: "EXCUSE ME!?!"

Today my daughter, who is almost 9 years old, came home from school, stating "We went to a seminar about bullying today and the lady told me that it is wrong of you to let me watch The Simpsons". My first reaction was "WHAT?!?" She told them that The Simpsons teaches kids to be bullies.

Are you kidding me? I explained to my daughter that she has nothing to worry about, and that its perfectly fine for her to watch it, because I have taught her 1. right from wrong and 2. reality vs fiction. Both my children know its NEVER OK to bully anyone. I've taught them to respect people's differences. That is what makes this world an interesting place.

Believe me, I understand that there are some parents out there that don't give their children the proper upbringing, but to make such a blanket statement to a bunch of impressionable 8-9 year old kids, in my opinion, is wrong. How does this woman know how I am raising my child and how dare she tell my child that I am allowing her to do something "wrong". Do I contact the school and be one of "those" parents, or do I leave it with what I already told my daughter? I think I'll go with the latter of the two.

This is what is wrong with this country. Parents aren't being parents. Parents can't be parents. You spank your child, its considered child abuse. Well, let me tell you, if that were the case when I was growing up, my parents would have got the electric chair. I don't mean to make light of child abuse. I take that subject very seriously. No one should beat their child. What I'm talking about is a whack on the butt. A spanking. Oh and God forbid you yell at your child, you have the school counselor calling you and DSS knocking on your door.

To all the parents out there: teach your children to love and be respectful, know right from wrong, to accept people the way they are, and there are consequences to every action. I'm sure I've missed a few so please feel free to share what you believe is important to teach your children in the comment section below.

Written By: Maryanne
Twitter: @BostonBombshell