Tuesday, June 14, 2011


  To everyone that reads my blog for hCG purposes only, I apologize!  I have decided to stop tracking my calories because it’s pretty much the same thing everyday and I’m lazy.  I want to thank you all so much for the support!  It really has helped me a lot.  It is currently day 13 and I have lost 10 pounds.  I was getting a little upset because I wasn’t losing as much weight as I was at the beginning, but a girl that I know that did the diet reassured me that since I don’t have much to lose I won’t lose as fast.  I hope that is true.

  I plateaued for two days, so today was my first APPLE DAY.  It really sucked.  I could only manage to eat 5 apples before I felt like puking everywhere.  So hopefully, I’ve lost some of the plateau weight in the morning.  I can’t wait to weigh myself!  I guess from now on I’ll update every few days about what’s going on and I’ll give my stats.  Thanks for the patience, everyone!

Height: 5’9”

SW- 161

CW- 151

  A few days ago I tried on a pair of shorts from H&M I got two years ago that didn’t fit me at all last year year.  They fit me!  I was so excited!