Friday, June 10, 2011

Brutally Honest

I have a massive headache, and diarhea.

I can guess whats causing at least part of it.
I’m lactose intolerant - and somehow manage to still deny it, even after passing a kidney stone and being hypothesized to having Hypercalcemia [sp]. But in my denial, I had a copius amount of processed cheese. And its repeating on me hours later in the form of violent cramps, [although nothing has ever been as bad as the pain associated with passing that stone!] bad gas and now being chained to the bathroom in attempt to feel better.

I started trying to be better with my water intake, something I’ve always been horrible on. I’m addicted to Diet Coke. For over 10 years its been my drink of choice and water has been at the bottom of the list, just above alcohol because I don’t drink it. I’ve had alcohol.. twice? Once at Thanksgiving, my mother had my sister and I taste wine and beer so we would “never be curious about the taste.” and we were under her supervision. I tried it, hated it. Unfortunately my sister went the other way and became a partier. Now I have a niece and nephew.
Other time was my old best friends 21st birthday party and I said, “why not?” because I had turned 21 three weeks prior, so I had my experience of drinking at a bar. I had Vodka with Sprite, a glass or two [later found out it was the equivalent of 3/4 of a pint of vodka], and a sangria at dinner before hand. I had a hangover in the morning, didn’t vomit, and got my drinking experience out of the way, and havent had it since. I just don’t like alcohol.

Anyway! I had no water today, just two 20oz of Diet Coke, so my body has gone from getting about 40oz of water the past few days to zero and is very angry with me and telling me off for it.

The headache.. that’s a private story and I suffer in silence for it. You can always send me a message if you’re curious - - who knows, we might suffer from the same problem and are ashamed to talk about it publicly.

Why am I being brutally honest?
Because losing weight isn’t always about rainbows and NSVs and happiness.
We suffer - we hit low points - we want to quit.
If we don’t rant about the bad just as much as we celebrate the good, we’ll feel guilt and never accomplish what we’ve set out to do.

Besides - it’s the internet.
Your judgements don’t affect me.

Xoxo Badass.