Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Where Do We Begin?

Last night, we had our monthly Youth Meeting. This involves the leaders and staff in the Youth Ministry (Youth President, Vice President, secretaries) and those who deal with the youth on a regular basis. We were faced with a difficult question: how to reach those in our ministry? Our problem area seems to be our high school students. I know why, they are at an age where they are curious and don't want to stick to one thing; but to be involved in everything! The youth these days have it a lot harder than those who were their age decades before them. A lot of them come from broken homes, single parent households, the ghetto, and are dealing with drugs, sex, gangs, gay & lesbian issues, etc. The only way to able to reach them is to tackle them one by one. We have to address each person so we can figure out how to reach them. We can't put them in a group because each child is different. I have the blessing and the curse of being close to the age group that we're targeting. The blessing: being able to know what they are going through. The curse: Having to sign up for unlimited texting so I don't put my phone bill through the roof, lol. But seriously, I know how hard our work is going to be for us but with the strength that only God can give, we will be able to lead them all in the right direction.