Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I've Been Unfaithful

Let me explain. My beautician whom I have been seeing faithfully every 2 weeks for almost a year decides to go on vacation the week of Resurrection Sunday. It wasn't too bad because my hair was already done, but this week the burgundy hair color started to look red with brown high-lights! I assure you it looks worst than it sounds. So I needed to get my hair done ASAP. The thing is I can't walk into just any salon because as a short hair card caring girl of over 10+ years (I cut my first pixie cut at 13 years old) I have learned not everyone can style short hair. So one of my younger sisters in Christ took me to a salon her mother goes to (If you're not from the West Indies it would be hard to explain why I went in at 6:30pm and didn't get out until midnight, lol) and the end result was AMAZING! She cut my hair (just the way I wanted it) and dyed it dark brown (it looks black) and curled it so that I wouldn't have any work to do with my hair for the next week and a half! I can say it was worth the wait......the problem now is seeing my beautician when she comes back. The fact that I went to someone else will be obvious (new cut & color) so I will need your prayers that she doesn't do any damage to my hair or me, lol. Now let's look at that from a spiritual level really quick.
We are in that position everyday, we sin and the evidence is obvious to God. He can see the stains on our garments, the stench that can't be hidden with perfume. The amazing thing is that He takes us back every single time, cleans us up and puts us on our feet and in the right direction every single time. But He does tell us this one thing "....go and sin no more" (John 8:11). I looked up the word repent recently and came to this amazing realization: when you repent you turn away from the sin that cause the separation between you and God. You are in one direction and when you seek God's forgiveness, you turn and walk in the opposite direction. So that had me wondering, those of us (and I include me) who sin, ask God for forgiveness, sin, ask God for forgiveness for the same thing, we have to realize that we're not repenting. If we were, we wouldn't have to keep going back to God about the same thing over and over. We need to come before God, place the problem before Him, LEAVE IT THERE, and walk in the opposite direction. Need an example on how to approach God in prayer about a sin, repent, and go back into fellowship with God? Read Psalm 51. David, who was called "A Man after God's Own Heart", practically, committed every single sin when you read about the story about him and Bathsheba. But he didn't let the sin prevent him from getting back into fellowship with God. He went before God asking for a clean heart and a right spirit, something that we have to ask for ourselves. You must remember your heart affects everything; it's what's in your heart that affects the way you act and behave..... Wow. I didn't mean to go on like that, but it needs to be said sometimes. And you know what they say "sharing is caring". Be blessed.