Thursday, April 2, 2009

That is NOT Entertainment!

I was on Youtube today looking up the video to a song my sister told me about. I stumbled across an "artist" (and when I say artist I use that term loosely) named Lady Gaga. She has a video to a song called "Poker Face". One word to descibe that experience: HORRIBLE! I am not someone to attack anyone but that video wasn't even mildly entertaining. I think she would have potential if she really sang and not focused so much on her "look". You know who can sing? Leona Lewis. She reminds me of the old-school singers. She's so talented. The sad thing about this is that Lady Gaga has 3 singles on the Top 20 List (so I have been told) and Leona? None. Can you really tell me that America is so into the image of things that we don't care about the actual product? It hurts me to think that talented artists are sucessful in other countries but struggle when they get here. Does that make any sense?