Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Procrastination Never Pays

Waiting to the last minute to get something done used to be my motto. I used to strive under pressure, nowadays I feel like I am done for when I wait to the 11th hour. So today is the last day to file taxes. Mine are done only because I had some one do it for me but I have seen people deliberately wait until the last minute and now they are running around like a chicken without a head. We have to remember that tomorrow isn't promised to anyone, it's better to accept Jesus into your heart today than to die and be lost tomorrow. To think that tomorrow is promised to us makes us foolish; it's by God's grace we can wake up and see another day. So I ask you my friend: do you know Jesus as your personal Savior? If not, why don't you let Him in? This it the 11th hour; will you let it come and go and lost your chance?