Thursday, April 23, 2009

What's in a Hyphen? Apparently Everything!

I have the funniest story to tell. Well, I think its funny. We were rehearsing for our Bible School graduation and they were breaking us up by class then last name, first name. So, one couple were expecting to sit next to each other when they found out that he will be sitting in the front row and she will be in the fourth. She was so upset! She claimed there had to be an error on the BibleSchool’s side; everyone did. Then we were told why they wouldn’t be sitting with each other: she hyphenated her name. So instead of sitting with the C’s (Coil) she was sitting with the V’s (Virgo-Coil). I thought it was too funny; the couple didn’t share in my humor (not surprised). When you think about it, they say two shall become one. You’re him, and he’s you. It’s not you & him; it’s YOU. She didn’t understand when I explained to her, that she isn’t Virgo anymore, she’s a Coil. Virgo was when she didn’t know him and now she does; her name should reveal it….Maybe I am just reading too much out of it, and I am not knocking anyone who hyphened their name (I know tons of people who did) but wouldn’t you want people to know who you have joined with when they read your name?