Monday, April 6, 2009

Same Direction

I didn't go to church yesterday because I woke up late from the late night prepping for my niece's birthday. I ended getting up around 11 and decided I needed to do laundry since I missed Morning & Mid-Morning Services. I even considered visiting one of the churches in my neighborhood but since they're all Spanish speaking churches I had to rule that out. Any who; as I was coming and going from the Laundromat and my apartment (I live across the street from the Laundromat) listening to my French lessons, I started to think; "can they see the difference?" I was walking in the midst of Christians getting out from service. The youth were more casual then mine; they were wearing jeans and sneakers; hanging outside of the church talking and joking amongst themselves. I wanted to know if people could see the difference. I wasn't in my usual Sunday attire but could they see the Jesus in me? We are all walking in the same direction at one point in our lives; but does anyone notice when we walk in the opposite direction? I want to be set apart in not words only but in deed; and that's where it gets hard for a lot of us. How do we show we're a Christian without shouting it from the rooftops and walking around wearing a label? We have to make sure they see it when we talk, and walk; every action should mimic Jesus.