Friday, April 24, 2009

I Wan'na Be Like You...

Oh, oobee doo
I wanna be like you
I wanna walk like you
talk like you, too
you’ll see it's true
and ape like me
can learn to be
human, too
I have been singing that song all year so far at the most random times. If you have seen the Jungle Book, you know that song is when King Louie wants to find out how to become a man from Mowgli. I remember when I was younger watching it on VHS, I would sing and dance along with my brother and sister. Singing the song back to myself now; I look at it from a spiritual aspect. We should be saying that to Jesus. We want to walk like Him, and talk like Him. We want to know the way to become a Christian; how to gain internal life. We’re tried of being in the state where we are just kidding ourselves by thinking we’re okay. Am I reading too much into the song? Probably, but God can speak to us through anything; even Disney. Lol.