Monday, April 20, 2009

All You Can Eat? Want to Bet?

So, I hung out with my Youth President Monday. We were looking for a restaurant for my cousin's Bachelor Party (we're Christian folk so that excludes strip clubs, booze and all the things you wished you never did). Any who, we went to this restaurant in Queens called Green Fields. It's this Brazilian style place that runs like a buffet (if you knew how much my cousin eats in under an hour, you would understand why we picked this place) and the cool part is they have this stop and go system that controls the meat. It looks like a salt and pepper shaker, it is green on one side and red on the other. You put it on green and they keep coming to you with different types of meats. I actually had to slow down believe or not; but it was only because I am working with a disabled mouth (I haven't had my root canals yet). But when my teeth are done, I will be back for vengeance and they will regret it! (Insert evil laugh here, lol).