Tuesday, April 7, 2009

It Takes Time....

Normally in this society if nothing works, we automatically want to throw it out and replace it with a new one. We don't get warranties anymore because we can always upgrade later. We are always looking for something bigger, better, thinner, smaller, and faster; even in the aspect of our growth. We don't want to slow down and repair ourselves, we want a quick fix. Diet pills, cleansers, anything to speed up the process instead of taking it day by day. I find myself thinking like that sometimes. I want to be able to do Pointe (dancing on your toes in Ballet) but it takes time. You have to strengthen your core, your legs and ankles before the teacher will consider you for Pointe classes. It's better to slowly build from the inside out than to jump right into the outside structure. It won't stand without a proper foundation. We have to constantly remind ourselves it's a daily process.....Any who, my job is having you a "Roadshow". In the insurance biz, that's a meet and greet during the day where you introduce your lines of insurance with hope of working with new brokers/clients. So it means it's really quiet at work; I love this time of year. In this quiet I feel comfortable, I feel like I can relax....I was talking to my mother this morning about who else? Mr. Darcy! I told her that we are so in love with the idea of him that no real man stands a chance. It brought to mind the sermon from Friday's Youth Service. We tell God what we want or what person we have in mind and sometimes it's nothing like the person God has for us. We become so in love with an idea that it prevents us from being able to love the actual person when they are brought before us.