Saturday, April 18, 2009

Empty Me.....Please!

I think I am talking to myself more than anyone else these days. God has been dealing with me about seeking Him and consecrating myself. It is easier said than done but with all the ministries I am in, I see why I need to be constantly on my face and in His presence. I was listening to a song on my way to a Women's Service called "Empty Me". That song said everything I wanted to say. And to add to it, the minister at the service said the same thing. She discussed how we need to go before the Lord and ask Him to remove the appetite for the things that are not of Him and replace it with the cravings that He placed in us. We struggle with things in our lives that are not of God but if we remember the word the Bible tells us that whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatever we loose on earth is loose in heaven. We have to remember that when we ask God to remove something that we ask Him to replace it with something else that is of God. Perfect example: the fruits of the spirit and the fruits of the flesh. We need to be removed and emptied of the remnants and traces of the old man and be replaced completely with the new man that is in Christ Jesus.