Monday, April 27, 2009

We Can Make A Difference

I have been feeling the need to serve others the longest and I remember I wanted to volunteer with a passion when I read about the life of Jim Elliot. If you don’t know about him, you should Google him. He was a missionary who lost his life because he wanted to spread the gospel to those who never heard of Jesus Christ. He died so that others would live in Christ! I can’t think of a better way to go. His quote will always stay with me: “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” His quote sounds like a modern day disciple for Christ. I watched the video “Albertine” by Brooke Fraser (Ligertwood) and it moved me. If you never read about the genocide in Rwanda, you need to read about it ASAP! I want to travel and help others, it makes you realize the things that you take for granted. I have vacation time coming up and with my Pastor’s permission, I would love to go overseas and do some Christian volunteer work. It would be better than just lounging and doing nothing right? And if we are feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and helping the helpless; we are doing as Jesus requested of us. We are helping Jesus when we help them. We can’t minister to someone who can’t hear anything but the rumbling in their stomach. You feed them, and then introduce them to Christ. The same goes for someone who has no clothes or nowhere to live.  I guess I reached the point where I just can’t be immobile anymore; I have to get up and do something to help the body of Christ.