Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Kindle? No Thanks.

So as some of you know, I am a die hard book reader. I mainly read Christian Chick- Lit now (so I don’t have any unnecessary stuff circulating around in my head) and Classics……mainly JANE AUSTEN! (Did I mention I absolutely love her?) I found out about a device called a “kindle” when I was on the train heading home the other day. I remember hearing about it a while back but thought it would phase itself out, but they have been pushing it more and more. Now, I am eco-friendly; I do the paper bags, recycle, etc. but when it comes to books I have to draw the line. A book is something you should never replace. Make them thinner or smaller if you need to but don’t give me a little piece of electronics and tell me I can store a bunch of books on it. I refuse to cheat on my books! What is supposed to happen to bookstores? I want to from a coup d’etat! LOL; I’m just joking. That would be a little too extreme.  But as long as they don’t try to phase of my books, we will have an unspoken truce between us.