Sunday, April 5, 2009

My, My, My....Someone's Getting Big

Today is my niece 2nd Birthday! I am a proud and doting aunt/godmother! I remember the day she was born, it was a Friday. I ran to the store to buy receiving blankets, wash cloths, baby wash, the works. I can tell you when I saw her it was love at first sight. She was this little, pink bit of nothing that was looking at everything and everyone. My brother was a mess that day; I knew once he held her, he was a goner. She got bigger, fatter, and independent. She was pulling herself by 4-5 months and walking by 6 months. At 7, she running EVERYWHERE! Now she is 2 years old going on 35. She knows all the key words: please, thank you, yes, no, why, stop, etc. We have this family joke that she can say sentences. People expect her to do it when all she can say is the word "sentences", lol. She's a blessing from God. I thank God for her everyday; even when she is climbing on my bed to put on my jewelry, getting under my the covers with me, or when she is wearing auntie's stilettos (which she loves to do).