Monday, February 16, 2009

Matching Outfits?

Happy Presidents Day! I am only saying this because I finally have a day off from work! THANK YOU JESUS! I was planning to go to the city and look for a dress for Saturday. My friends church is having a Youth Dinner, so I need a dress. Well, I don't need one but since I gave up shopping as part of my Daniel's fast I wanted to be in the stores badly. I need a fix, lol. My church went into a Daniel's fast for 21 days. From 6:00 am until 6:00 pm we refrained from food and sought the Lord. After 6:00, we were only allowed to have fruits and vegetables. It was easy except for the no caffeine and sugar part. My first week without coffee, I thought I would pass out! I decided to further sacrifice (I needed a serious breakthrough), I gave up shopping (its like breathing for me, lol) and wikipedia. Wikipedia, you ask? Yup, I read this website everyday! I love it, I learn something new everyday. if you haven't caught on yet, I am an absolute nerd. But I digress, I ended up staying home until the afternoon, I went to my cousins' job so we could go to the mall afterwards to dress shop ( I was desperate). It was there when my she revealed to me that she and her new boyfriend were going to do the unthinkable: wear matching outfits! I thought I was hearing things. My cousin is so anti-romantic I sometimes think she's a guy. But now that's she has entered courtship she has turned into a pile of gushing, always smiling, giggling, constantly talking about him GIRL! SMH, and I though she was family. I hope this doesn't catch, lol. This is 3 out of 4. I am all that's left in the single pond. I absolutely love it. But now that one wedding is months away, the next is planning hers and my cousin is now in courtship, I realize that girls nights out, group outings will now become double dating and couples outings. So now with this youth dinner looming on the horizon, and the reminder that the tickets sell as "single" and "couples" I cling to my identity as a "single" by a thread. I love the fact that I am in this stage of building and polishing but I think I am going to need new friends, lol. Who likes being a 7th wheel during bowling, movie nights, and at dinner outings anyway?