Friday, February 13, 2009

Table for 1?

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. On this day you fall into two categories: the haves and the have-nots. You either have someone to be your Valentine who will shower you with gifts and affection or you go out and eat solo or catch a chick-flick with another single girlfriend. Then you two try not empty too many containers of Ben & Jerry chocolate chip cookie dough. If you're the latter like moi, its the best time to embrace your singleness. After all it is a gift from God. This is a time to be broken from old habits, put through the fire, cleaned and polished before we meet our partner for this walk. If you have been called to a life of "singleness"? You have the ultimate lover of your soul to talk with whenever and wherever. How excellent is that?
In a society where they reserve showing their love to the significant other for this particular day, I often wonder: Is everyday Valentine's Day for the Christian believer? Think about it, God loved us so much that He sent His ONLY son to beome the ultimate sacrifice so that we may have everlasting life (John 3:16). I think that we should be thinking about the spiritual roses and chocolates we get from the Lord everyday in His word and life.